- A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z All


Abbott, Philip
Abernethy, Jack
Aguiar, Laura, Public Record Office of Northern Ireland / Nerve Centre, UK
Arielli, Nir, University of Leeds
Ashbridge, Sarah, University of Huddersfield, UK


Baines, Gary, Rhodes University, South Africa
Baker, Catherine, University of Hull
Balu, Raphaële
Barnes, Dayna
Barnett, Ryan, University of St Andrews
Beckett, Ian, University of Kent, UK
Benham, Jenny, Cardiff University, UK
Bennett, G H, Plymouth University, UK
Bennett, Huw, Cardiff University
Bennett, Martyn, Nottingham Trent University, UK
Bennett, Victor G, Independent Scholar, South Africa
Bergman, Yoel, Tel Aviv University, Israel
Bergman, Yoel
Betteridge-Dyson, Lucy, Independent Scholar, UK
Bicknell, David
Bilton, Joshua, King's College London, UK
Bilton, Joshua
Blount, Simon
Boff, Jonathan, University of Birmigham, UK
Boff, Jonathan, University of Birmingham, UK
Bond, Brian, King's College London
Bowman, Timothy
Bowman, Timothy, University of Kent, UK
Breer, Andrew, King's College London
Brocades Zaalberg, Thijs, Netherlands Institute of Military History in The Hague
Brooks, Brenton J
Broucke, Kevin, University of North Texas, USA
Broughton, Michael E, University of Sheffield
Brown, David
Burke, Steven J
Butler, William


Callister, Graeme, York St John University, UK
Campos, Jorge Planas, Foro para el Estudio de la Historia Militar de España, Spain
Carmichael, Cathie, University of East Anglia, UK
Cazes, Hélène, University of Victoria, Canada
Chapman, Jordan, University of Wolverhampton, UK
Chester, David K, University of Liverpool, UK
Chin, Rachel
Clark, Samuel, University of Western Ontario, Canada
Clark, Tobias
Collins, Bruce, Sheffield Hallam University
Coulson, Stephen G, University of Oxford, UK
Cowan, Tony, Independent Scholar, UK
Crawford, Stuart, Independent Scholar, UK
Crawford, Stuart
Crawford, Stuart, Defence Analyst, UK
Cumming, Anthony J.
Curme, Phil
Curme, Phil, Independent Scholar, UK


Daley, Jennifer, Kings College London, UK
Davie, Hugh G W, University of Wolverhampton, UK
Davies, Huw J., Defence Studies Department, King's College London
Davies, Thomas E, University of Kent, UK
Davis, Robert S
De Blas, Antonio Grajal, Instituto de Enseñanza Media El Pla, Spain
Deacon, Valerie
Deery, James
Deruelle, Benjamin, Université du Québec à Montréal, Canada
DeVries, Kelly, Loyola University, MD
Donker, Paul
Dorman, Andrew, Dublin City University
Douglas, David
Drokalos, Sotirios F, Independent Scholar, Italy
Duncan, Angus M, University of Liverpool, UK
Dunley, Richard, The National Archives, Kew
Durey, Michael, Murdoch University, Perth


Edwards, Sam, Loughborough University, UK
Egan, Simon, University of Glasgow, UK
Egan, Simon, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland (Ireland)
Ellin, Dan
Ellis-Gorman, Stuart, Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland
Erickson, Edward J., Marine Corps University, Quantico, Virginia
Esdaile, Charles
Esdaile, Charles J., University of Liverpool


Fallon, Tim, Independent Scholar, UK
Fallon, Timothy, Independent Scholar, UK
Fantauzzo, Justin, Memorial University of Newfoundland
Farquharson, Iain, Brunel University, London, UK
Faucher, Charlotte
Finch, Miichael, Deakin University, Victoria, Australia
Fox, Aimée, King’s College London, UK
French, David, University College London
Friend, Jayne, University of Portsmouth


Gale, Tim, Independent Scholar, UK
Gallagher, Niamh
Gilliver, Kate, Cardiff University, UK
Gledhill, Jim, Independent Scholar, UK
Glew, Anna, University of Manchester
Granger, Rob, King's College London, UK
Gray, Peter, University of Birmingham
Grayson, Richard, Goldsmiths, University of London
Grayson, Richard S, Goldsmiths, University of London, UK
Grayson, Richard S
Grayson, Richard S, Oxford Brookes University, UK
Greenacre, John, University of Suffolk, UK
Greenhalgh, Elizabeth, University of New South Wales
Gregory, Adrian, University of Oxford, UK
Gregory, Eilish, Anglia Ruskin University, UK
Grieg, Mathilda
Griffin, Tristan, University of Cambridge
Guy, Donna J, Ohio State University, USA


Hall, Richard, Swansea University, UK
Halstead, Timothy, Independent Scholar, UK
Hampton, Meleah
Hanna, Emma
Hanna, Emma, University of Kent, UK
Harris, Paul, Independent Scholar, UK
Hassig, Ross
Heck, Timothy, Kings College London, UK
Hendrix, Henry J.
Henning, Pia, Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg
Henry, Alex
Heuser, Beatrice, University of Reading
Hoegen, Ernestine, Independent Scholar, The Netherlands
Hogan, Brendan
Holden-Reid, Brian, King's College London
Hooton, E.R., BCMH
House, Simon J, Independent Scholar, UK
Huddie, Paul, University of West London
Huddie, Paul, University College Dublin, Ireland (Ireland)
Hughes, Brian, Mary Immaculate College, Limerick, Ireland
Hughes, Brian, Mary Immaculate College, University of Limerick, Ireland
Hughes, Brian, Mary Immaculate College, Ireland
Hughes, Geraint, Department of Defence Studies, King's College London
Hussain, Shahid
Hutchinson, Kieran, Independent Scholar, UK


Ireland, Benjamin Hiramatsu, Texas Christian University, USA


Johnson, Matthew, Independent Scholar, NZ
Johnson, Paul, University of Leeds, UK
Johnson, Rob, University of Oxford
Jones, Gareth, Independent Scholar, UK
Jones, Spencer, University of Wolverhampton
Jones, Spencer
Jones, Spencer, University of Wolverhampton, UK


Keener, Hubert James, Independent Scholar, USA
Kelleher, Megan, University of Kent
Kelly, Bernard, Dublin City Library and Archives, Ireland
Kelly, Bernard, Research Historian, Fingal County Council, Ireland
Kitchen, James E, Royal Military Academy, Sandhurst, UK
Kitchen, James E., Royal Military Academy Sandhurst
Krause, Jonathan, University of Wolverhampton, UK
Kuehn, John T


Latawski, Paul, Royal Military Academy Sandhurst
Leggiere, Michael, University of North Texas, USA
Leixner, Nicolas, University of Buckingham, UK
Lipscombe, Nick, Independent Scholar
Lloyd, Nick, King's College London at the Joint Services Command and Staff College Defence Academy of the United Kingdom
Lock, Andrew
Lynn II, John A, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA


Maclean, Samuel, King's College London
Macleod, Jenny, University of Hull, UK
MacNeill, Máire
MacNeill, Máire, Goldsmiths, University of London, UK
Madsen, Chris, Canadian Forces College, Toronto, Canada
Madsen, Chris
Marley, Steven, Independent Scholar, UK
Martin, Nicola, University of the Highlands and Islands, UK
Mawdsley, Evan, University of Glasgow
McCallum, Claire E, University of Exeter, UK
McDonnell, Ciarán, Independent Scholar, Ireland
McGlynn, Sean, University of Plymouth at Strode College, UK
Melvin, Mungo, Independent Scholar, UK
Michaels, Jeffrey H.
Miller, Alisa, Norwich University of the Arts
Miller, Alisa, Royal Military Academy, Sandhurst, UK
Miller, Sarah-Louise, University of Cambridge, UK
Milne, Daniel, Kyoto University, Japan
Mitchell, Stuart, Royal Military Academy, Sandhurst, UK
Moore, Stephen, Newcastle University
Moorey, Stirling, Independent Scholar, UK
Morgan-Owen, David, King's College, London, UK
Morton, Nicholas, Nottingham Trent University, UK
Murphy, David
Murphy, Mahon, Kyoto University, Japan
Murphy, Oonagh, Goldsmiths, University of London, UK


Nash, Gary, University of California, Los Angeles, USA
Neiberg, Michael, US Army War College
Newton, Christopher, King's College London
Norton, Elizabeth, Independent Scholar, UK


O'Neil, William D., Independent Scholar
O'Neill, James
O'Reilly, Declan, University of East Anglia
O'Reilly, Greg
Olex-Szczytowski, Matthew, Independent Scholar, UK


Pattinson, Juliette, University of Kent
Peaty, John, Independent Scholar, UK
Perry, Nicholas
Phillips, Adrian
Phillips, Chris, Leeds Trinity University
Phillips, Christopher, Aberystwyth University, UK
Phillips, Christopher
Phillips, Gervase, Manchester Metropolitan University, UK
Philpott, William, Kings College London, UK
Pieris, Anoma, The University of Melbourne, Australia
Pike, Roslyn Shepherd King, Independent Scholar
Pittock, Murray, University of Glasgow, UK
Polnar, Stanislav, University of Defence, Brno, Czech Republic
Powell, Matthew, Independent Scholar
Powell, Matthew, Royal Air Force College, Cranwell, UK
Powell, Matthew
Power, Helena, Independent Scholar
Power, Kelsey, King’s College, London


Quinn, Simon, University of York, UK
Quinn, Simon
Quiroga, Stefan Aguirre, Independent Scholar


Ratchatapattanakul, Nipaporn, Thammasat University, Faculty of Liberal Arts, Bangkok, Thailand
Reiter, Jacqueline, Independent scholar and author, UK
Reiter, Jacqueline, Independent Scholar, UK
Ricci, Giovanni, University of Ferrara, Italy
Risso, Linda, Centre for Army Leadership, Royal Military Academy, Sandhurst, UK
Robb, Linsey, Northumbria University, UK
Robbins, Ian, King's College London
Roberts, Andrew, King's College London
Roche, Jason T, Manchester Metropolitan University, UK
Rogers, Thomas J, Australian War Memorial, Australia


Saddington, Justin
Sanders, Andrew, De Montford University, UK
Sanderson, Harry, University of Leeds, UK
Sasamoto, Takeo, Independent Scholar, Japan
Sharma, Lumbini, Assam University, India
Sharp, Ingrid, University of Leeds, UK
Shaw, Jack
Shaw, Peter
Shearwood, Mark, University of Leeds, UK
Sheffield, Gary, University of Wolverhampton
Sheffield, Gary, University of Wolverhampton (United Kingdom)
Sheffield, Gary, University of Wolverhampton, UK
Sherit, Kathleen
Shoebottom, Bradley, University of New Brunswick, Canada
Singh, Gajendra
Singh, Mandeep, Independent Scholar, India
Smalley, Edward, University of Kent
Spruce, David, Independent Scholar, UK
Stephenson, Grace E
Stewart, William
Stoil, Jacob, US Army School of Advanced Military Studies The Modern War Institute at West Point, USA
Stone, John
Storring, Adam L, Georg-August-Universität, Göttingen, Germany
Strachan, Hew, University of St Andrews
Strang, Bennet


Tamás, Ölbei, University of Lorraine, France & University of Debrecen, Hungary
Tantalakis, Evripidis, Research Institute for European and American Studies, Athens, Greece
Thoral, Marie-Cecile, Sheffield Hallam University
Tolley, Stewart, University of Oxford
Tovy, Tal, Bar-Ilan University, Israel
Trefalt, Beatrice, Monash University, Australia
Tyquin, Michael, Consulting Historian, Australia
Tyquin, Michael, Independent Scholar, Australia


Van Ess, Brett, King's College London, UK
Vissière, Laurent, Université de Paris-Sorbonne, France
Vo-Ha, Paul, Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, France


Wald, Erica, Goldsmiths, University of London, UK
Wald, Erica
Walsh, Fionnuala
Wang, Tandee, Australian National University, Australia
Ward, Rowena, University of Wollongong, Australia
Watson, Janet S K
Watt, Patrick
Wawrzynczak, Edward J
Webster, Andrew, Independent Scholar
White, Kenton, University of Reading
White, Zack, Independent Scholar
White, Zack, University of Southampton, UK
White, Zack, University of Southampton
Whitewood, Peter, York St John University, UK
Whittingham, Daniel, University of Birmingham
Whittingham, Daniel, University of Birmingham, UK
Wickenden, Jane V S
Wilcox, Vanda, John Cabot University, Rome, Italy
Williams, Tom
Wilson, Alexander, King's College London
Wilton, George
Wilton, George, Independent Scholar, UK
Wintjes, Jorit
Worsfold, Alex, University of Leeds, UK
Wynne, Catherine


Yaacob, Abdul Rahman, Australian National University (ANU), Australia
Yadav, Rishika
Yearwood, Peter J, University of Papua New Guinea
Yorke, Edmund, Royal Military Academy Sandhurst
Young, John W, University of Nottingham, UK


Ziegler, Hannes, German Historical Institute London, UK

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